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    One concept from Beloved that I found particularly intriguing was rememory. Rememory paints the idea of memory as a dynamic, always-changing representation of an event, and in this regard, a central characteristic to an object or memory is the perspective from which you're viewing it. What an object is depends on the person whose perspective you're considering it from, as well as the time—past, present, or future—from which you're considering it.      For instance, I initially thought Sweet Home exists in the novel's present just as it's described and remembered by Sethe, but upon further thought, it's probably drastically different from what Sethe remembers now. Yet what matters is how Sethe thinks of and remembers it for what it was in the past, since that's what impacts her present and future most. Paul D remembers Sweet Home in a different way—even though he lived there at the same time as Sethe, he experienced different events and therefore, h
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